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Theatre Courses

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

THEA 100 (3) From Page to Stage

This course will examine the process of the theatre from the script through the rehearsal process and onto opening night. Not open to Theatre Diploma students. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12.

THEA 105 (3) Fundamentals of Acting I

A practical course for the beginning actor. An introduction to basic acting techniques including voice, movement, character, listening, and story telling through improvisation. Projects may include departmental public performance. THEA 105 was formerly called THEA 201; credit will not be granted for both courses. Credit will only be granted for one of THEA 209 or THEA 105. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

THEA 106 (3) Fundamentals of Acting II

A continuation of THEA 105 including the practical application of improvisation techniques, script analysis and scene study. Projects may include departmental public performance. THEA 106 was formerly called THEA 202; credit will not be granted for both courses. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: THEA 105.

THEA 108 (3) Introduction to Public Speaking: Performance

An introduction to public speaking that focuses on the presentation, confidence, and vocal skills necessary to effectively deliver a non-dramatic speech. It provides theatrical principles necessary to engage an audience, including vocal and physical techniques, and offers opportunities to bring the words to life. THEA 108 was formerly called THEA 203; credit will not be granted for both courses. (1:2:0)

Prerequisite: None.

THEA 111 (3) Intro to Theatre I

A study of the nature of theatre and its conventions, combining lectures, demonstrations, films, discussions, and attendance at live performances; closely related to Theatre department productions and selected contemporary plays. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

THEA 112 (3) Theatre History I

The history of Western theatre from its beginnings to the 17th century with analysis of representative plays from each period. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

THEA 115 (3) Participatory Drama I

An exploration of socio-political drama that introduces historical and current techniques of participatory theatre; an experiential investigation that creates opportunity for discussion of oppression, injustice, and related topics. Study includes dramatic theories of practitioners such as Augusto Boal, and explores modes of interactive theatre that inspire dialogue on significant issues. THEA 115 was formerly called THEA 109; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

THEA 150 (3) Theatre Stagecraft I

An introduction to entertainment technologies, centered on a hands-on approach to the craft of working in the production/technical side of live performance. Students have the opportunity to work with all aspects of a mainstage show while learning scenery, costume, lighting, sound, and construction techniques. Students work alongside industry professionals. (2:0:4)

Prerequisite: Admission to Theatre Diploma program or permission of instructor.

THEA 151 (3) Theatre Stagecraft II

A continuation from THEA 150, classes are centered on a hands-on approach to the craft of the production/technical side of live performance. Students have the opportunity to work with all aspects of a mainstage show while learning scenery, costume, lighting, sound, and construction techniques. Students work alongside industry professionals. (2:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150 or permission of instructor.

THEA 204 (3) Creative Drama

Investigation of the content of creative drama as an art form and as a methodology for exploring and communicating ideas through creative or improvisational drama techniques. Personal skills in physical and vocal expression are developed. Group dynamics are emphasized as part of the drama process. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Enrolment in Theatre or permission of instructor.

THEA 205 (3) Intermediate Work in Acting I

A practical exploration of the techniques studied in THEA 105/106 through monologues, duologues and script analysis. Further exploration of the actors tools including introductory workshops in mask and stage combat. Projects may include departmental public performance. (2:2:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 106 or permission of instructor.

THEA 206 (3) Intermediate Work in Acting II

A continuation of the techniques and practices of THEA 205 with emphasis on performance. Projects may include departmental public performance. (0:2:3)

Prerequisite: THEA 205 or permission of instructor.

THEA 207 (3) Beginning Voice for Actors

Basic development of the voice to prepare for speech on the stage. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 106 or permission of instructor.

THEA 208 (3) Intro to Stage Movement

Basic development of the body to prepare for movement on the stage. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 106 or permission of instructor.

THEA 209 (3) Acting for Non-Theatre Students

An introduction to the basic techniques of acting. Explores the tools of the actor and develops a comfort level of public performance. A practical course consisting of two main elements: improvisation as a means of expression and script analysis towards understanding character and motivation. Not open to Theatre Diploma students. Credit will only be granted for one of THEA 105 or THEA 209. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12.

THEA 211 (3) Theatre History II

A survey of theatre history in the western tradition from Corneille to Ibsen. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: One of THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, or permission of instructor.

THEA 212 (3) Theatre History III

A survey of theatre history in the western tradition from Ibsen to the present day. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: One of THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, or permission of instructor.

THEA 215 (3) Participatory Drama II

An exploration of socio-political, participatory drama, this experiential study of play building, performative modes, and devised theatre continues with the Theatre of the Oppressed techniques of THEA 115 (formerly THEA 109). Students will research the core theories and will practice the principal methodologies of educational, cross-sectorial, theatre-based community project development. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 115 or THEA 109.

THEA 250 (3) Intermediate Stagecraft I

A continuation from THEA 151, classes are centered on a hands-on approach to the craft of the production/technical side of live performance. Students will work with all aspects of a mainstage show while learning scenery, costume, lighting, sound, and construction techniques. Students work alongside industry professionals. (2:2:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 151 or permission of instructor.

THEA 251 (3) Intermediate Stagecraft II

A continuation from THEA 250, classes are centered on a hands-on approach to the craft of the production/technical side of live performance. Students will work with all aspects of a mainstage show while learning scenery, costume, lighting, sound, and construction techniques. Students work alongside industry professionals. (2:2:0)

Prerequisite: THEA 250 or permission of instructor.

THEA 252 (3) Entertainment Technology for Live Events

An overview of the terminology, techniques, and systems used in theatres, festivals, concerts, indoor or outdoor events, corporate trade shows, and commercial product launches. Not open to Theatre Diploma students. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12.

THEA 275 (3) Theatre Safety

An exploration of safe work habits in different areas of a theatre including rigging, set construction, lighting, painting, props making, and costumes. A first aid certificate may be part of the course requirements. Includes an introduction to WHMIS procedures. THEA 275 was formerly called THEA 275T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (1:0:2)

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

THEA 290 (3) Theatre Production I

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre production to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students enrolled in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 291 (3) Theatre Production II

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre production to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 292 (3) Theatre Production III

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre production to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students enrolled in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 293 (3) Theatre Practicum I

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre in a performance environment to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students enrolled in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 294 (3) Theatre Practicum II

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre in a performance environment to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students enrolled in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 295 (3) Theatre Practicum III

A hands-on course focusing on an assigned area of technical theatre in a performance environment to develop working skills and to provide experience. Specific projects will be assigned on an individual basis. This course is for students enrolled in the Technical Theatre Diploma. (0:0:4)

Prerequisite: THEA 150, THEA 151, and permission of Department Chair.

Co-requisites: THEA 275

THEA 308 (3) Advanced Public Speaking: Performance

An advanced exploration into the skills of public speaking that focuses on the details of a presentation in a variety of settings: engaging audiences throughout the speech and utilizing various visual aids and current technology. (1:2:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

THEA 311 (3) Theatre History III

A survey of theatre history in the western tradition from 1900 to the present with a focus on global, political, and alternative theatre. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: 6 credits from THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, THEA 211, or THEA 212.

THEA 312 (3) Canadian Theatre History

A study of the history of theatre in Canada from 1600 to the present with emphasis on playwrights, playhouses, festivals, independent theatre, radio drama, and the growth of professional theatre. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: 6 credits from THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, THEA 211, or THEA 212.

THEA 320 (3) Introduction to Directing

A practical exploration of the relationship between the director, the text, the actor, and the audience. Participants will be introduced to the tools and language of the theatre. The class will analyze texts and stage informal scenes utilizing fellow classmates as actors. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: THEA 205 and THEA 206; or THEA 209 and either THEA 100 or THEA 252.

THEA 321 (3) Text Analysis

A practical exploration of the working text. This course, which focuses on storyline, breakdown, character analysis and development of a useful and practical method to approaching any script, will combine lectures, class work and practical studies of a wide variety of plays. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: 6 credits from THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, THEA 211, or THEA 212.

THEA 340 (3) Theatre Theory Since 1900

A study of the theories of theatre from 1900 to the present. Topics include directors, designers, theorists, new ideas and ways of reaching an audience in a rapidly changing world. This course studies how these concepts were brought to life in the theatre. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: 6 credits from THEA 100, THEA 111, THEA 112, THEA 211, or THEA 212.

THEA 350 (3) Set Design I

A study of the principles and practice of scenery design for the Theatre. This course will provide an introduction to the process of designing sets for live performance. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: THEA 250 and 251, or THEA 252 and either THEA 209 or THEA 100.

THEA 351 (3) Lighting Design I

A study of the principles and practice of lighting design for the Theatre. This course will provide an introduction to the process of designing lighting for live performance. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: THEA 250 and THEA 251, or THEA 252 and either THEA 209 or THEA 100.

THEA 352 (3) Costume Design I

A study of the principles and practice of costume design for the Theatre. This course will provide an introduction to the process of designing costumes for live performance. (2:0:2)

Prerequisite: THEA 250 and THEA 251, or THEA 252 and either THEA 209 or THEA 100.