Degree in Journalism students having an outdoor workshop
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Creative Writing and Journalism (BA)

  • Program Length 
    4 Years
  • Credential 
    Bachelor Degree
  • Options 
    Major, Minor
  • Fully Available at 
  • Partially Available at 
    Cowichan, tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River)

Do you want to write for a living? In VIU’s Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and Journalism program, learn the skills you need to become a master of words from professors who are published, award-winning authors, poets and journalists.

Experience small class sizes for a unique workshop format in many creative writing courses, and more one-on-one time with instructors at Vancouver Island University's journalism school.

Whether you want to work in the publishing, entertainment or journalism industries, this degree in Journalism and Creative Writing will sharpen your literary skills and introduce you to the realities of working as a professional writer. 

The Creative Writing and Journalism (BA) Program

The Creative Writing and Journalism department offers introductory, intermediate and advanced-level courses in book publishing, dramatic writing (including writing for the stage and scriptwriting for radio, television and film), fiction, journalism, and poetry, leading to a B.A. with a Major or Minor in Creative Writing and a B.A. with a Minor in Journalism. Students have the opportunity to combine applied and creative writing skills with a background in all aspects of print and electronic publishing including editing, distribution, promotion, and production of print materials.

Note: some courses may not be offered every year.

Requirements for a Creative Writing Major

Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below.

Note: All senior-level courses require completion of at least one prerequisite course at the 200-level; students must attain a minimum grade of “B-” in the prerequisite course in order to progress to a senior-level course in the same genre.

Years 1 and 2


Minimum twelve credits (four courses) of 100 and 200-level CREW courses.


Select a minimum of nine credits (three courses). Choose at least one course from three of the following five genres: 
1. Non-fiction
CREW 100 - (Intro to Writing Journalism)
CREW 200 - (Intermediate Journalism) 
CREW 201 - (Online Journalism)
CREW 202 - (Introduction to Writing Creative Non-Fiction)
CREW 203 - (Memoir Writing Workshop)
2. Poetry
CREW 110 - (Intro to Writing Poetry)
CREW 211 - (Intermediate Poetry Workshop)  
CREW 212 - (Poetic Traditions)
3. Fiction
CREW 120 - (Intro to Writing Fiction)
CREW 220 - (Writing Short Fiction) 
CREW 221 - (Genre Fiction Workshop)
4. Publishing
CREW 230 - (Introduction to Publishing)
5. Drama
CREW 140 - (Intro to Writing Drama)
CREW 240 - (Writing Short-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television) 
CREW 241 - (Writing Longer-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television)


Total Credits


Note: All 200-level courses have a 100-level prerequisite. Also, note that students must complete 200-level courses in at least three genres in order to have sufficient prerequisites for entry into courses in three genres at the senior level.

Years 3 and 4


Minimum twenty-one credits (seven courses) of 300 and 400-level CREW courses.


Select a minimum of nine credits (three courses). Choose at least one course from three of the following five genres*
1. Non-fiction
CREW 300 - (Creative Non-Fiction Workshop)
CREW 301 - (Advanced Feature Writing) 
CREW 400 - (Researching for Creative Non-Fiction)
CREW 401 - (Long-Form Non-Fiction)
CREW 402 - (Online Magazine Production)
CREW 452** - (Special Projects in Writing and Publishing)
ENGL 315 - (Advanced Workshop in Composition)
2. Poetry
CREW 310 - (Advanced Poetry Workshop I)
CREW 311 - (Long Form Poetry Workshop) 
CREW 312 - (Writing Poetry in a Variety of Forms)
CREW 410 - (Advanced Poetry Workshop II)
3. Fiction
CREW 320 - (Advanced Short Fiction Workshop)
CREW 321 - (Novel, Novella, and Story Sequence Workshop) 
CREW 322 - (Writing for Young Adults Workshop)
CREW 420 - (Experimental and Speculative Fiction Workshop)
CREW 422 - (Advanced Novel Workshop) 
CREW 425 - (Mystery Writing Workshop)
4. Publishing
CREW 330 - (Professional Editing)
CREW 331 - (Book Publishing) 
CREW 402 - (Online Magazine Production)
CREW 430 - (Publishing Workshop I)
CREW 431 - (Publishing Workshop II) 
CREW 452** - (Special Projects in Writing and Publishing)
5. Drama
CREW 340 - (Advanced Screenwriting Workshop)
CREW 341 - (Advanced Stage Play Writing Workshop) 
CREW 440 - (Writing for Television Workshop)
CREW 441 - (Digital Storytelling) 
CREW 442 - (Script Development Workshop)


Total Credits


* Directed Studies courses CREW 450 - (Directed Studies in Writing and Publishing I) and CREW 451 - (Directed Studies in Writing and Publishing II) may, depending on the nature of the project, be used to satisfy genre requirements for any of the five genres.

** CREW 452 - (Special Projects in Writing and Publishing) can be used to meet either Non-fiction or Publishing categories depending on the nature of the student's project.

Note: Upper-level Creative Writing (CREW) courses can be taken no more than twice for credit.

Requirements for a Creative Writing Minor

Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below.

Note: All senior-level courses require completion of at least one prerequisite course at the 200-level; students must attain a minimum grade of “B-” in the prerequisite course in order to progress to a senior-level course in the same genre.

Note: Required courses applied to the Journalism Minor may not also be applied to another Major or Minor.

Years 1 and 2


Select a minimum of six credits (two courses) from the following list:
CREW 100 - (Intro to Writing Journalism)
CREW 110 - (Intro to Writing Poetry) 
CREW 120 - (Intro to Writing Fiction)
CREW 140 - (Intro to Writing Drama)


Select a minimum of six credits (two courses) from the following list:
CREW 200 - (Intermediate Journalism)
CREW 201 - (Online Journalism) 
CREW 202 - (Introduction to Writing Creative Non-Fiction)
CREW 210 - (Writing Poetry in a Variety of Forms) 
CREW 211 - (Intermediate Poetry Workshop)
CREW 212 - (Poetic Traditions) 
CREW 220 - (Writing Short Fiction)
CREW 221 - (Genre Fiction Workshop) 
CREW 230 - (Introduction to Publishing)
CREW 240 - (Writing Short-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television) 
CREW 241 - (Writing Longer-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television)


Total Credits


Years 3 and 4


Select a minimum of eighteen credits (six courses) of CREW courses 300-level and above.


Total Credits


Note: Students taking CREW 300 - (Creative Non-Fiction Workshop) and/or CREW 301 - (Advanced Feature Writing) may use ENGL 315 - (Advanced Workshop in Composition) as part of their upper-level credits.

Note: Upper-level Creative Writing (CREW) courses can be taken no more than twice for credit.

Recommended Electives

Courses in EnglishGraphic DesignMedia StudiesMusicTheatre, or Visual Arts are recommended. Students wishing to pursue careers in journalism should consider taking upper-level courses in Digital Media StudiesHistoryPolitical StudiesEconomicsMedia StudiesPhilosophySociology, or Women's Studies.

Requirements for a Journalism Minor

Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below.

Note: All senior-level courses require completion of at least one prerequisite course at the 200-level; students must attain a minimum grade of “B-” in the prerequisite course in order to progress to a senior-level course in the same genre.

Years 1 and 2


CREW 100 - (Intro to Writing Journalism)


CREW 200 - (Intermediate Journalism)


CREW 201 - (Online Journalism)


CREW 230 - (Introduction to Publishing)


Total Credits


Years 3 and 4


CREW 301 - (Advanced Feature Writing)


CREW 330 - (Professional Editing) 


MEDI 302 - (Making the News)


CREW 400 - (Researching for Creative Non-Fiction)


CREW 401 - (Long-Form Non-Fiction) 


CREW 402 - (Online Magazine Production) 


CREW 475 - (Internships in Writing and Publishing) 


Total Credits


Note: Upper-level Creative Writing (CREW) courses can be taken no more than twice for credit.

Recommended Electives

Students are advised to consider completing a Major in a complementary discipline such as Political Studies, Economics, History, Sociology, First Nations Studies, Women's Studies, Business, Criminology, or Global Studies.

Domestic Fees | International Fees

Domestic Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year*


Tuition (30 credits x $166.40 per credit)


Student Activity fee (4% of tuition)


Student Services fee (30 credits x $7.35 per credit)


VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month)


Health and Dental Plan fee ($265.00 per year)


Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year





The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

International Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year*


Tuition (2 semesters x $11996.55 per semester)


Ancillary Fee (2 semesters x $463.40 per semester)


VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month)


Health and Dental Plan fee ($265.00 per year)


Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year





Tuition in the above table is based on $776.48 per credit, up to a maximum of $10,870.72 per semester for 15 credits; $776.48 per credit beyond 15 credits. Ancillary Fees in the above table are based on $33.10 per credit, up to a maximum of $463.40 per semester for 15 credits; $33.10 per credit beyond 15 credits.

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Domestic (Canadian)

Program Start Date Accepting Applications Location
Next Intake(s)

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee
Accepting Late Applications
Testing Required
Admissions Assistant

Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512


Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s)

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee
Accepting Late Applications
Testing Required
Admissions Assistant

Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512


Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Anticipated intake for someone applying today
Sep 2, 2025
Accepting International Applications
Application Fee
Accepting Late Applications
Testing Required
Admissions Assistant

Name: Erin Johnson
Phone: 604.485.8033


Please consult Student Services/Advising at 604.485.2878 or email for more information on program or admission requirements.


Program Start Date Accepting Applications Location
Anticipated intake for someone applying today
Sep 2, 2025
Next Intake(s)

The Bachelor of Arts program has one intake each Fall and one intake each Spring.

Accepting International Applications
Application Fee
Accepting Late Applications
Testing Required
International Admissions Officer Contact

Name: Elham Akhoundi
Phone: 250.740.6400


For prospective international applicants, please send your inquiries to

Further information on this program can be found on the Department website.