Bachelor of Arts, Major, Minor in Creative Writing and Journalism
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Creative Writing and Journalism Courses

The Creative Writing and Journalism department offers courses required to complete VIU's Bachelor of Arts Major and Minor in Creative Writing.

All senior-level courses require completion of at least one prerequisite course at the 200-level; students must attain a minimum grade of "B-" in the prerequisite course in order to progress to a senior-level course in the same genre.

Note 1: In Creative Writing, a minimum "B-" is required in any second, third or fourth year prerequisite course.

Note 2: Some courses may not be offered every year.

Note 3: Upper-level Creative Writing (CREW) courses can be taken no more than twice for credit.

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

CREW 100 (3) Intro to Writing Journalism

An introduction to the basic structures and approaches in the writing of journalism. Analysis and discussion of professional work will form and develop guidelines for effective criticism and revision of student writing. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in any of English 12, ENGL 115, ENGL 125, or ENGL 135.

CREW 110 (3) Intro to Writing Poetry

An introduction to the basic structures and approaches in the writing of poetry. Analysis and discussion of professional work will form and develop guidelines for effective criticism and revision of student writing. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in one of English 12, ENGL 115, ENGL 125, or ENGL 135.

CREW 120 (3) Intro to Writing Fiction

An introduction to the basic structures and approaches in the writing of fiction. Analysis and discussion of professional work will form and develop guidelines for effective criticism and revision of student writing. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in any of English 12, ENGL 115, ENGL 125, or ENGL 135.

CREW 140 (3) Intro to Writing Drama

An introduction to the basic structures and approaches in the writing of plays, TV scripts, and film scripts. Analysis and discussion of professional work will form and develop guidelines for effective criticism and revision of student writing. Note: Some sections of this course may be offered online. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in any of English 12, ENGL 115, ENGL 125, or ENGL 135.

CREW 200 (3) Intermediate Journalism

A workshop course in writing and editing news and feature articles for both newspapers and magazines, in print and online. Students will develop skills in research, reporting, and writing effectively for publication, and will also examine ethical and legal issues in journalism. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 100.

CREW 201 (3) Online Journalism

A workshop course in creating and publishing online content for newspapers and magazines. Students will learn to create news stories, feature articles and other content incorporating hyperlinks, photos, audio, video and social media, and publish to the web. The course will examine issues of sponsored content, intellectual property, and copyright. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 100.

CREW 202 (3) Introduction to Writing Creative Non-Fiction

A workshop course that introduces students to a dynamic genre that combines aspects of journalism, features, fiction, drama and poetry. Students may be assigned to write in any of the forms of creative non-fiction including memoir, biography, travel, essay or others. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in any 100-level Creative Writing course.

CREW 203 (3) Memoir Writing Workshop

A workshop course designed to encourage and guide the writing of memoirs in which facts fuse with aesthetics through the presence of a personal voice. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in any first year CREW or ENGL course or permission of the instructor based on submission of a portfolio of recent work.

CREW 211 (3) Intermediate Poetry Workshop

A lecture and workshop course with an emphasis on writing poetry in free verse and open forms. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 110.

CREW 212 (3) Poetic Traditions

A lecture and workshop course in writing poetry with an emphasis on poetic traditions used over time in poetry, from fixed forms to spoken word. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 110.

CREW 220 (3) Writing Short Fiction

A lecture and workshop course in the writing of shorter works of fiction. Topics may include the analysis of examples from an anthology, and the discussion of relevant markets. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 120.

CREW 221 (3) Genre Fiction Workshop

A workshop course in the writing of fiction in genres such as mystery, fantasy, science fiction, horror, and romance. Development of story concepts and plot structures will be emphasized, as will readership and markets. Individual instructors may emphasize a particular genre or genres. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 120 or permission of instructor.

CREW 230 (3) Introduction to Publishing

This introductory course provides the information an emerging writer needs to know about publishing and how to get published. Participants who complete the course will understand the publishing process and be acquainted with the established industry framework for marketing, promotion, and distribution of books and magazines in Canada. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 100, CREW 110, CREW 120, or CREW 140.

CREW 232 (3) Editing

An introduction to professional practices and expectations for developmental, substantive, and stylistic editing, as well as manuscript assessment and letters to authors for book-length manuscripts. Students will acquire essential skills to: edit peers in workshops, self-edit, and work in book, magazine, and digital publishing as an editor. CREW 232 was formerly called CREW 330; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in any CREW 100-level course or permission of instructor. CREW 230 strongly recommended.

CREW 240 (3) Writing Short-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television

A workshop course in writing short-form stage plays, television scripts, and screenplays. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 140.

CREW 241 (3) Writing Longer-Form Scripts for the Stage, Screen or Television

A workshop course in writing long-form stage plays, television scripts, and screenplays. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in CREW 140.

CREW 300 (3) Creative Non-Fiction Workshop

A workshop course in the writing and editing of non-fiction texts in genres such as biography and autobiography, local and regional history, travel, etc. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min."B-" in any 200-level Creative Writing course or min. "B-" in one of ENGL 215, ENGL 290 or ENGL 315.

CREW 301 (3) Advanced Feature Writing

A workshop course in researching, reporting, writing, and editing feature articles for both print and online publication. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 200, CREW 201, CREW 202, or CREW 300.

CREW 310 (3) Advanced Poetry Workshop I

An advanced workshop course in the writing and editing of shorter poems. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 210, CREW 211, or CREW 212.

CREW 311 (3) Long Form Poetry Workshop

A workshop course in the writing of poems in longer forms. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 210, CREW 211, or CREW 212.

CREW 312 (3) Writing Poetry in a Variety of Forms

An advanced lecture and workshop course that builds on skills introduced in CREW 110 and CREW 212 to explore a wide variety of fixed poetic forms. CREW 312 was formerly CREW 411; students who have taken CREW 411 may take CREW 312 for credit no more than once. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 210, CREW 211, or CREW 212.

CREW 320 (3) Advanced Short Fiction Workshop

A workshop course in the writing and editing of short fiction. Note: Some sections of this course may be offered online. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 220 or CREW 221.

CREW 321 (3) Novel, Novella, and Story Sequence Workshop

A workshop course in the writing and editing of longer works of fiction and sequences of linked short stories. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 220 or CREW 221.

CREW 322 (3) Writing for Young Adults Workshop

A workshop course in the writing and editing of works intended for young adults. Topics may include realism, fantasy, historical, graphic works, and other forms of fiction for a young adult audience. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 220 or CREW 221 or permission of instructor.

CREW 330 (3) Professional Editing

An advanced workshop course focusing on the editing process from manuscript preparation through production. Students will acquire experience in substantive and structural editing, copy editing, and production editing, including proofreading. Students may be required to undertake short-term work-study with a publishing firm. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 230, CREW 231, ENGL 315, or any 300-level CREW course.

CREW 331 (3) Book Publishing

A workshop course that simulates the book publishing process, from manuscript acquisition to marketing and promotion. Group work is required. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 230, CREW 231, or any 300 or 400-level CREW course.

CREW 340 (3) Advanced Screenwriting Workshop

A workshop course for students wishing to work on a screenplay with the guidance of an instructor. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 240 or CREW 241.

CREW 341 (3) Advanced Stage Play Writing Workshop

A workshop course in which students work on a script for the stage with the guidance of the instructor. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 240 or CREW 241.

CREW 399 (3) Creative Writing Workshop for Non-Majors

A multi-genre workshop course for non-CREW majors in the writing and editing of creative works (poetry, fiction, plays, and creative non-fiction). May not be taken for credit toward a Major or a Minor in Creative Writing or a Minor in Journalism. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

CREW 400 (3) Researching for Creative Non-Fiction

A workshop designed to hone researching and interviewing, as well as writing and editing skills for the production of creative non-fiction works aimed at a popular audience. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of ENGL 215, ENGL 290, ENGL 315, or any 200-level CREW course.

CREW 401 (3) Long-Form Non-Fiction

A workshop course in which students will write and revise a major feature article or creative non-fiction project for print or digital production. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 200, CREW 201, CREW 202, CREW 300, or CREW 301.

CREW 402 (3) Online Magazine Production

In this workshop, students will create an online publication comprised of feature articles and creative non-fiction projects written in the prerequisite courses, as well as new content. Students will variously take positions as writers, editors, and content producers, under the editorial supervision of the instructor. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. B- in one of CREW 200, CREW 201, CREW 300, CREW 301, CREW 401, CREW 430, CREW 431, or permission of instructor.

CREW 410 (3) Advanced Poetry Workshop II

A second advanced workshop course in the writing and editing of shorter poems. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 310 , CREW 311, CREW 312, CREW 411, or permission of instructor.

CREW 420 (3) Experimental and Speculative Fiction Workshop

A workshop course in the writing and editing of works of experimental or speculative fiction. Topics may include science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, fabulism, and experimental fiction in a variety of forms. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 220 or CREW 221

CREW 422 (3) Advanced Novel Workshop

An advanced workshop course in the writing and editing of the longer forms of fiction. A small sampling of published narrative shapes will offer possible models for the various book-length projects of students. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 320, CREW 321, or CREW 322, or permission of instructor.

CREW 425 (3) Mystery Writing Workshop

A workshop course designed to encourage and guide the writing of projects in the detective mode. The primary focus will be on mystery in the longer form of prose fiction. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in any second-year Creative Writing fiction course or by permission of the instructor.

CREW 430 (3) Publishing Workshop I (Ends Sep 2025)

This workshop course provides an opportunity to develop skills required to edit and publish literary magazines and scholarly journals. Copyediting and proofreading practice is included, and group work is required. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in each of two CREW courses 200-level or higher.

CREW 430 (3) Portal Magazine I (Effective Sep 2025)

This course develops skills to edit and publish VIU's national literary magazine, Portal, in CREW 431. Students survey the newsstand competition, take on masthead roles, practice edit, fundraise, sell ads, write features and book reviews, run a reading series, and adjudicate a national prize. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in two of the following: CREW 230, CREW 232, or CREW 331; or permission of the instructor.

CREW 431 (3) Publishing Workshop II (Ends Sep 2025)

A continuation of CREW 430, this intensive course provides hands-on experience as the student editorial team applies the skills acquired in the first semester to edit, produce, and market Portal, the Creative Writing and Journalism department's literary magazine. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: CREW 430.

CREW 431 (3) Portal Magazine II (Effective Sep 2025)

This course continues from CREW 430 to assemble, edit, print, and launch VIU's full-colour 104-pg national literary magazine, Portal, from January to April. Students select and edit 25 submissions in four genres, pair work with photos/art, sell ads and subscriptions, fundraise, and build the brand on and offline. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: CREW 430 or permission of the instructor.

CREW 440 (3) Writing for Television Workshop

A workshop course for students wishing to work on a television script in Movie-Of-The-Week form, or for an original series, including the development of a 'series bible.' Also offers opportunity to develop a MOW as a 'back-door pilot' from which a series could be 'spun off.' (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in either CREW 240 or CREW 241.

CREW 441 (3) Digital Storytelling

A workshop and lab course in which students will write and produce a journalistic or dramatic project for the web, with the guidance and support of the instructor. (0:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 200, CREW 201, CREW 202, CREW 240, CREW 241, CREW 300, or permission of instructor.

CREW 442 (3) Script Development Workshop

A lab course in which students will complete and/or produce portions of an original script for stage, film, TV or radio, with the guidance and support of the instructor. (0:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in one of CREW 240, CREW 241, CREW 340, CREW 341, CREW 440, CREW 441, or permission of instructor.

CREW 450 (3) Directed Studies in Writing and Publishing I

An opportunity for advanced-level students to work with an instructor in a tutorial situation in order to further polish skills developed in senior writing or publishing workshops. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: At least 12 credits of CREW courses 300-level or higher and permission of the instructor.

CREW 451 (3) Directed Studies in Writing and Publishing II

A continuation of CREW 450. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: CREW 450 and permission of the instructor.

CREW 452 (3) Special Projects in Writing and Publishing

An opportunity for advanced-level students to work with an instructor in a tutorial situation in order to complete a significant project such as a book or multimedia application. Credit for this course may also be given to students who complete, under the supervision of an instructor from the department, a part-time or full-time internship in a relevant profession. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: At least 12 credits of CREW courses 300-level or higher and permission of the instructor.

CREW 453 (3) Writing for Multimedia

A workshop course in writing in a variety of genres specifically for electronic publication. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "B-" in any 200-level CREW course.

CREW 455 (3) Writing Masterclass

An opportunity for a small (3 to 5) group directed study. Advanced students will work by invitation with a mentor in a tutorial and will complete a significant project such as a poetry chapbook, novella, long essay or script. The student will also produce a formal writing philosophy statement. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: At least 12 credits of CREW courses 300-level or higher and invitation of instructor.

CREW 475 (3) Internships in Writing and Publishing (Ends Jan 2026)

A course offering internship preparation and a minimum of 60 hours in the workplace to gain applied experience in a professional journalism, publishing, or related industry environment. (0:1:0 -60 for 30 weeks)

Prerequisite: Min. A- in at least two publishing, creative non-fiction, or journalism courses of at least 200 level or above, which must include one at 300 level or above, and an interview. Students who do not meet these prerequisites but have an A- or above in at least two other upper level CREW courses are encouraged to contact the Chair to discuss opportunities to register for this class.

CREW 475 (3) Internships in Writing and Publishing (Effective Jan 2026)

A course preparing strong upper-level students to complete a minimum 120-hour virtual or workplace internship in the professional journalism, publishing, media or relevant industry. The course will focus on resumes, cover letters, portfolios, online profiles, job descriptions, networking, interview skills, and employer panels in addition to the placement. (3:0:0 -120)

Prerequisite: Min. "A-" in CREW 230 or CREW 232, plus one of the following: CREW 331, CREW 430, or CREW 431; or permission of the instructor.