Legal Administrative Assistant and Accounting Assistant students of the Applied Business Technology conducting an online research together
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Applied Business Technology Courses

ABTO 100T Online Learner Success

Learn how to become a successful learner in the online WebCT environment. Topics include accessing WebCT; creating, sending and replying to e-mails; using the bulletin board and chat; accessing and submitting assignments; completing online quizzes in WebCT. Successful completion of this course is a prerequisite for all other online ABT courses. (0:0:7.5 for 2 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ABTO 101T (1.5) Keyboarding I

Learn to keyboard by touch and to improve keyboarding accuracy and speed on a computer keyboard. The goal is to touch type a minimum of 25 net words per minute on five-minute timings with five or fewer errors. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 095T or ABTO 101T. (0:0:5 for 9 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 100T.

ABTO 102T (1) Keyboarding II

An opportunity to learn to key accurately and proficiently, and to build on present keyboarding skills. Goal is to reach 45 net words per minute or better on five-minute timings with five or fewer errors for online accounting and online medical specialties and 50 net words per minute for online legal and online administrative assistant specialties. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTP 106T or ABTO 102T. (0:0:3.5 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and either ABTO 101T or a minimum keyboarding speed of 25 net wpm.

ABTO 104T (1) Records Management

A hands-on study of the creation, storage, use, retrieval, protection, control, and disposition of records. Topics include manual and electronic records management; filing equipment and supplies; indexing, coding, and cross-referencing business documents; ARMA filing rules; alphabetic, subject, numeric, and geographical filing; tickler files and follow-up procedures. (2:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 114T.

ABTO 106T (1.5) Administrative Procedures

A review of essential organizational skills and efficient office practices. Topics include time management, ergonomics and safety, information resources, mail services, travel arrangements, meeting coordination, office technologies, telephone practices, appointment scheduling, banking procedures. Includes in-basket simulation and research report. (2:0:3 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, ABTO 101T, ABTO 110T, and ABTO 114T.

ABTO 108T (1.5) Business Math and Calculators

A review of business arithmetic and electronic calculator procedures. Topics include common business arithmetic problems, correct calculator usage and calculator speed development. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTP 120T or ABTO 108T. (2:0:3 for 9 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator and ABTO 100T.

ABTO 110T (3) Business English

A review of English language usage and practical application for all office personnel producing keyboarded documents. Topics include vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics of style, proofreading, and sentence writing. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTP 130T or ABTO 110T. (2:0:4)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T and either ABTO 101T or 25 nwpm keyboarding speed.

ABTO 112T (1) Human Relations

A concentration on personal and professional development skills needed by workers in today's workplace. Includes self-examination and assessment, development of effective communication skills, interpersonal skills, client relations, teamwork, problem solving, and an understanding of business ethics. <EM>Note: Students may not receive credit for both ABTP 131T and ABTO 112T.</EM> Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 134T or ABTO 112T. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator and ABTO 100T.

ABTO 114T (1.5) Word Processing I

An introduction to current word processing software and business document formats; document production and word processing features; and text enhancements. Proofread all types of documents using spelling, grammar and Thesaurus checkers. Note: Students may not receive credit for both ABTP 140T and ABTO 114T. (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T and either ABTO 101T or a minimum of 25 nwpm keyboarding speed.

ABTO 116T (1.5) Word Processing II

A continuation of ABTO 114T. Additional instruction and practice with letter styles, tables, charts, and reports plus many advanced features of word processing software such as merge, macros, outlines, graphics, and styles. (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, and ABTO 100T, ABTO 114T, and ABTO 101T; keyboading speed of 40 nwpm recommended.

Co-requisites: ABTO 102T

ABTO 118T (1.5) Computers and the Internet

An introduction to computers, the Internet, and a Windows operating system. Topics include terminology, the Windows operating system, file and disk management, Internet tools, the Web browser, and electronic mail. (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator and ABTO 100T.

ABTO 122T (1.5) Spreadsheets I

Provides a working knowledge of electronic spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. Design, create, modify, and present professional-looking spreadsheets for use in today's workplace. Exercises include using formulas and built-in functions to solve mathematical problems. Illustrate and present spreadsheet data in graphic form. (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 118T. ABTO 108T recommended.

ABTO 124T (1.5) Spreadsheets II

A continuation of ABTO 122T. Introduces advanced features of electronic spreadsheets, including graphing, linking, macros, tables, and database features. (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 122T.

ABTO 126T (1) Job Search

An opportunity to develop successful job search skills for today's competitive and changing job market. Topics include self-assessment, employability skill testing, job search strategies, Internet job research, career planning, networking, resumes, employment-related communications, application forms, portfolios, and interviews. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and minimum keyboarding speed of 25 net words per minute.

ABTO 128T (2) Business Communications

Apply techniques for planning, organizing, and writing effective business documents such as letters, memoranda, reports, and email messages. Apply word processing skills to format business documents, analyze written communication to ensure effectiveness of message and grammatically correct writing, and produce mailable documents free of errors. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, ABTO 110T, and ABTO 114T.

ABTO 132T (2) Accounting I

An introduction to manual accounting. Emphasizes basic bookkeeping and accounting principles. Based on a service business organized as a sole proprietorship. Topics include double-entry general journal entries, general ledgers, trial balances, adjustments, financial statements, temporary accounts, petty cash and bank reconciliations. A foundation for computerized accounting programs, payroll, or advanced accounting courses. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 108T.

ABTO 134T (3) Accounting II

A continuation of ABTO 132T, expanding on common accounting systems, including payroll concepts and principles, tax responsibilities, annual reporting. Introduction to specialized and combined journals, year-end procedures and worksheets, GST/PST, bad debts and merchandise inventory. Preparation of detailed financial statements include classified balance sheet and income statement with cost-of-goods-sold section. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 132T. ABTO 108T recommended.

ABTO 138T (2.5) Computer Accounting

An introduction to computerized accounting. Topics include establishing company records and maintaining daily transactions using general journal sales, purchases, payroll and inventory modules. Additional topics include budgeting, project allocating and reconciliations. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTP 123T or ABTO 138T. (3:0:3 for 12.5 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, ABTO 118T, ABTO 132T, and ABTO 134T.

ABTO 140T (1) Presentation Software

Using current software, apply appropriate design concepts to present data and information in a colourful and well organized format. Learn to use design templates, apply various attributes, and include a variety of objects to create, modify, save, and deliver presentations. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 118T.

ABTO 144T (1.5) Database

An introduction to Microsoft Access data management system. Focuses on planning, designing, and creating a database to meet the information management needs of today (2:0:3 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of coordinator, ABTO 100T, and ABTO 118T.

ABTO 146T (1) Outlook

An introduction to MS Outlook, including hands-on training in the use of email for online communications, calendar for managing important dates and appointments, and contacts for the creation and maintenance of an address database. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the program or permission of the coordinator, ABTO 100T, ABTO 101T, ABTO 110T, ABTO 114T, and ABTO 118T.

ABTO 148T (2) Desktop Publishing

A study of desktop publishing functions; elements of page design and organizational tools; and the planning, design, and production process. Includes applications on computers, using word processing and publishing software. Students will produce publications such as letterheads, flyers, brochures, business forms, and newsletters (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I; 40 nwpm keyboarding speed; or permission of coordinator

ABTO 160T (1.5) Integrated Projects - Accounting

An office simulation for students graduating from the online Accounting Specialty. Topics include the transfer of data files and formats from one software system to another using Microsoft Office applications and Simply Accounting; preparing databases and accounting records; creating spreadsheets, charts, and slide presentations. (0:0:10 for 4 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 114T, ABTO 120T, ABTO 124T, ABTO 134T, ABTO 136T, ABTO 140T and ABTO 144T, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 162T (1.5) Integrated Projects - Administrative

An office simulation for students graduating from the online Administrative Assistant Specialty. Topics include transferring data files and formats from one software system to another using Microsoft Office applications; composing letters; and creating spreadsheets, charts, flyers, and slide presentations. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 160T or ABTO 162T. (0:0:10 for 4 weeks)

Prerequisite: Level II standing; min. "C-" in each of ABTO 106T, ABTO 116T, ABTO 118T, ABTO 120T, ABTO 124T, ABTO 128T, ABTO 140T, ABTO 144T; or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 166T (1) Transcription

An introduction to transcription from a variety of digital audio files using digital transcription software, transcription equipment, and a word processing program. Topics include transcription terminology; operation of transcription equipment and software; grammar, spelling, proofreading, and punctuation skills; and transcription and formatting of business documents to acceptable professional standards. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTP 145T or ABTO 166T. (0:0:5 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 101T or the ability to touch type at least 30 nwpm, ABTO 110T, ABTO 114T, or equivalents.

ABTO 168T (1.5) Web Site Design and Maintenance

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to complete routine website maintenance tasks. Using a hands-on, practical approach, students will learn how to manipulate Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), tags, tables, images, links, special formatting, and forms using text and web authoring programs. (2:0:2.5 for 10 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 114T and ABTO 118T or equivalents.

ABTO 170T (1) Introduction to the Canadian Legal System

The primary purpose of this course is to provide the student with a general understanding and a working knowledge of the Canadian legal system. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, and 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 171T (1.5) Legal Office Procedures

This course introduces the student to the legal profession, including the functions and duties of the legal administrative assistant in British Columbia. Topics include legal terminology, legal office procedures, precedents, preparation of correspondence and basic legal documents, legal record keeping and billing, and citations and references to acts. (2:0:3 for 9 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, and 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 172T (2) Litigation Procedures I

Introduces students to litigation terminology, the court system, Rules of Court, and documents and procedures from the initiation of a lawsuit through to the completion of pleadings and default judgment. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, and 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, or permission of coordinator.

Co-requisites: ABTO 170T and 171T

ABTO 173T (2) Litigation Procedures II

A continuation of ABTO 172T focusing on the procedures and documentation for Chamber applications and for discovery through to post-trial phases. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, ABTO 171T, and ABTO 172T, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 174T (2) Family Litigation Procedures

A hands-on introduction to family law practice covering legal terminology; the court system; the relevant federal and provincial statutes; and the preparation of marriage contracts, separation agreements, and the court papers for divorce. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, ABTO 171T, and ABTO 172T, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 175T (2) Wills and Estates

A hands-on introduction to the role of a legal administrative assistant in the field of wills and estates. Topics include the preparation of wills and codicils, the documents necessary to apply for the appropriate grants, bond applications, and the distribution and winding up of estates. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, and ABTO 171T, or equivalents, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 176T (2) Conveyancing Procedures I

A hands-on study of the legal administrative assistant's role in handling the procedures involved in a purchaser's simple conveyance, including land registration systems, title searches, contracts of purchase and sale, statements of adjustments, and e-filing at the Land Title Office. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, and ABTO 171T, or equivalents, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 177T (2) Conveyancing Procedures II

A continuation of ABTO 176T. Topics include purchaser financing, strata properties, builders' liens, acting for the purchaser and mortgagee, acting for the vendor, statements of adjustments, authorities to pay, filing documents at the Land Title Office, and documents for the transfer of manufactured homes. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, ABTO 171T, and ABTO 176T, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 178T (2) Corporate Procedures I

An introduction to the role of a legal administrative assistant working in corporate law. Topics include sole proprietorships, partnerships (general and limited), corporations (reporting and non-reporting), document preparation, incorporation procedures, post-incorporation procedures, annual reports, and filing documents with the Corporate Registry. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170, and ABTO 171, or equivalents, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 179T (1) Corporate Procedures II

An optional continuation of ABTO 178T. Topics include the use of BC Online and the preparation and filing of forms for sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, societies, co-operatives, non-reporting companies, extra-provincial non-reporting companies, and securities. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I, with at least min. "C-" grades in all courses, 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 170T, ABTO 171T, and ABTO 178T, or equivalents, or permission of coordinator.

ABTO 180T (2) Personal Injury

A hands-on introduction to personal injury litigation. Topics include legal office procedures, terminology, and rules relating specifically to personal injury lawsuits in British Columbia; the relevant statues, including those for malpractice suits and WorkSafe BC disability claims; transcription skills; and the preparation of personal injury lawsuit documents. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 102T, or 45 nwpm keyboarding speed, ABTO 116T, ABTO 170T, ABTO 171T, and ABTO 173T, or equivalents.

ABTO 190T (2) Medical Administrative Procedures

An introduction to the administrative duties and procedures required in a medical office/hospital setting. Topics include reception skills, appointment scheduling, telephone techniques, interpersonal skills, stress management, inventory control, mail processing, filing, and records management procedures. Medical law and ethics are an integral part of the course. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 110T, or equivalent, or Department Chair approval.

ABTO 191T (1) Medical Terminology I

An introductory study of the construction of medical terms, including root words, prefixes, and suffixes relating to the various body systems. Topics also include the correct spelling, pronunciation, and meanings of medical terms. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 110T, or equivalent, or Department Chair approval.

ABTO 192T (3) Medical Terminology II and Related Anatomy and Physiology

A continuation of Medical Terminology I, and an introduction to anatomy and physiology. Topics include anatomical terms, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic tests related to the main systems of the body; and the correct spelling and definitions of common disorders, diagnostic tests, and abbreviations. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: ABTO 191T.

ABTO 193T (1) Medical Terminology III: Pharmacology and Specialties

In Medical Terminology III, students complete the study of the construction of medical terms including root words, suffixes and prefixes relating to pharmacology and the specialties of oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine, and psychiatry. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 192T.

ABTO 194T (2) Medical Transcription

An introduction to medical transcription. Topics include transcribing from oral dictation; formats of medical reports typically dictated in clinics and hospitals; proofreading for correct grammar, punctuation, and formats; increasing keyboarding accuracy and understanding of medical terminology. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 101T, or touch typing speed of 25 nwmp, ABTO 110T, ABTO 114T, and ABTO 192T.

ABTO 195T (2) Clinical Procedures and Practice

An exploration of the Medical Office Assistant's role in performing basic clinical procedures and as a link between doctor and external medical testing and treatment facilities. Topics include using and managing medical equipment, performing basic laboratory tests, and assisting the physician with specific examinations and procedures. (2:0:3 for 12 weeks)

ABTO 197T (1) Medical Billing - Manual

A practical examination of the theory for billing of medical services to MSP, ICBC, WCB, and other private insurers. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

ABTO 198T (1) Medical Billing - Computerized

A practical examination of automated medical billing software and procedures for the Province of British Columbia. (2:0:3 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ABTO 197T.

ABTP 115T (1.5) Administrative Procedures

An expanded study of the role of the administrative assistant. Topics include meeting and travel planning, organization and time management, office health and safety issues, information and project management, and research tools. (6.4:0:0 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ABTP 120T (1.5) Business Math and Calculators

A review of business arithmetic and electronic calculator procedures. Topics include business arithmetic problem solving, correct calculator usage, calculator speed development, banking procedures, bank reconciliation, and petty cash management. (6.4:0:0 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ABTP 121T (1.5) Accounting I

A study of the manual bookkeeping process. Topics include payroll, special journals, accounts receivable and accounts payable subledgers, sales taxes, and inventory. Focus will be on the accounting for a merchandising company. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 132T, ABTO 134T or ABTP 121T. (6.4:0:0 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ABTP 122T (3) Accounting II

A study of the manual bookkeeping process. Topics include payroll, special journals, accounts receivable and accounts payable subledgers, sales taxes, and inventory. Focus will be on the accounting for a merchandising company. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 132T, ABTO 134T or ABTP 122T. (6:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in ABTP 120T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 123T (3) Computerized Accounting

An introduction to computerized accounting. Topics include establishing company records and maintaining daily transactions using general journal sales, purchases, payroll and inventory modules. Additional topics include budgeting, project allocating and reconciliations. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 138T or ABTP 123T. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: ABTP 122T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 130T (3) Business English

A review of English language usage and practical application for all office personnel producing keyboarded documents. Topics include vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics of style, proofreading, and introductory business writing. (6:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ABTP 135T (1.5) Employment Strategies

Development of employment strategies needed for securing and keeping employment. Topics include resume and employment letter writing, job search techniques, networking, personal presentation and interview skills, and employment research. (3:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ABTP 136T (3) Human Relations and Office Procedures

Students will become familiar with current office procedures and technologies. Topics include business resources, mail services, and the most common business practices used in records management, front-line reception and telephone usage. Personal and professional development is emphasized including accountability, courtesy, assertiveness, handling criticism and positive oral communications. ABTP 136T was formerly called ABTP 131T, ABTP 110T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (6:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ABTP 138T (3) Business Communications

Study of effective business communication in today's workplace. Topics include development of professional communication skills, interpersonal skills, human relations, teamwork, and conflict management. Writing topics include planning, organizing, and writing effective "reader-friendly" letters, memos, reports, and electronic messages. Oral communication topics include how to plan, organize, and deliver oral presentations. ABTP 138T was formerly called ABTP 132T, ABTP 133T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (6:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in ABTP 130T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 146T (3) Office Computer Applications I

Students will learn about Windows/file management. Students are provided with techniques to keyboard accurately and will do timings to achieve keyboarding speed development. Word processing skills using Microsoft Word to apply basic formats for documents are practiced. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ABTP 147T (3) Office Computer Applications II

Students will continue to develop speed/accuracy in keyboarding. The word processing portion focuses on learning efficient production of professional business documents using advanced features of Microsoft Word. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in ABTP 146T.

ABTP 148T (3) Office Computer Applications III

In this course the student will learn basic through to advanced concepts using Excel spreadsheet software. The student will also learn hands-on application of office database systems using Microsoft Accesss software. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in ABTP 146T.

ABTP 149T (3) Office Computer Applications IV

In this course the student will learn desktop publishing through the use of Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word software programs. The student will learn to produce effective presentations through the use of Microsoft PowerPoint software. Basic web design and maintenance skills will be acquired as well. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in ABTP 146T.

ABTP 156T (1) Electronic Information Management

An introduction to the electronic office including hands-on training in the use of email for online communications, calendar for managing important dates and appointments, and contacts for the creation and maintenance of an address database. (3:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Semester I courses with a min. "C" in ABTP 120T, a min. "C-" in ABTP 130T, or permission of instructor.

ABTP 160T (1.5) Legal Office Procedures

An introduction to the legal profession and its role in society; legal office procedures; precedent materials; and legal documentation, such as correspondence, reports, accounts and legal instruments. (3.4:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ABTP 161T (3) Civil Litigation

A hands-on study of the steps involved in civil litigation proceedings from the commencement of court actions to judgment in accordance with the Rules of Court and relevant legislation. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in ABTP 160T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 162T (3) Family Law and Divorce

An applied study of matrimonial procedures, including the marriage relationship and termination, and divorce actions from commencement to the certificate of divorce in accordance with the Rules of Court and relevant legislation. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in ABTP 160T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 163T (1.5) Wills and Estates

A hands-on analysis of the preparation and execution of testamentary documents and the basic procedures for probating or administering estates in accordance with the Rules of Court and relevant legislation. (3:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in ABTP 160T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 164T (3) Conveyancing

Practical experience handling real property transactions from the contract of purchase and sale to closing in accordance with the relevant legislation. (3:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in ABTP 160T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 165T (1.5) Corporate Law

An opportunity to experience handling non-reporting company incorporations, annual filings, share transfers, change of name, change of offices, and record book maintenance in accordance with the relevant legislation. (3:0:3 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in ABTP 160T or permission of instructor.

ABTP 167T (1.5) Legal Office Practicum

Legal office placement for two-week period to gain experience applying acquired legal secretarial skills. Placements subject to availability of legal work experience positions. Grades and attendance considered in determining eligibility for positions. If placements unavailable, students may earn credit by completing ABTP 181T. (0:0:0 -70 for 2 weeks)

Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements for Legal Specialty, a min. "C" average in ABTP 160T through ABTP 166T, and a min. keyboarding speed of 50 nwpm.

ABTP 181T (1.5) Level II Project

Students may choose from a selection of advanced individual or group projects. Topics will be set by the department each term. Note: students can negotiate a specialized project with instructor. Students choosing this option will be expected to submit a proposal outlining topic, plan, and follow-up activities. (1:0:24 for 2 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level II specialty courses, min. "B-" in each of ABTP 130T and ABTP 146T, min. keyboarding speed of 40 nwpm, or permission of instructor.

ABTP 185T (1.5) Office Practicum

Two-week placement in a non-legal office to gain practical experience applying newly acquired office skills. Placements subject to availability of suitable work experience positions. Student's grades and attendance considered in determining eligibility for available positions. If suitable positions are unavailable, students may earn alternate credit by completing ABTP 181T instead. (0:0:0 -70 for 2 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all ABT courses or permission of instructor.

ABTP 186T (2) Office Simulation I

An office simulation for students completing the accounting specialty. Topics include transfering of data files and formats from one software system to another using Microsoft Office and accounting software, preparing databases and accounting records, and creating spreadsheets and charts. A keyboarding speed of 40 nwpm on five, 5-minute timings is required for course credit. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 160T or ABTP 186T. (3:0:9 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all course requirements for the Accounting Assistant specialty or permission of instructor.

ABTP 187T (2) Office Simulation II

An office simulation for students graduating from the Administrative Assistant Specialty. Topics include transferring data files and formats from one software system to another using Microsoft Office, composing letters, and creating spreadsheets, charts, flyers, and slide presentations. A keyboarding speed of 45 nwpm on five, 5-minute timings is required for course credit. Credit will only be granted for one of ABTO 162T or ABTP 187T. (3:0:9 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all course requirements for the Administrative Assistant Specialty or permission of instructor

ABTP 188T (2) Integrated Project - Legal

An office simulation for students completing the legal specialty. Topics include demonstrating legal theory, procedures, and documentation; word processing; spreadsheets; research; scheduling; and legal administrative skills. A keyboarding speed of 50 Net Words per Minute (nwpm) on five, 5-minute timings is required for course credit. (3:0:9 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Legal Assistant specialty or permission of instructor.