Nanaimo Campus
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Student ID Cards

After you have registered for courses and have been given your Student Number, a photo ID card can be obtained by uploading a photo of yourself through your Student Record. You will be notified by email when your card is ready to be picked up at the main service desk. Your card can also be mailed to you if you are not in the Nanaimo campus area.

For full details, including photo requirements, check out VIU Student card.

Your Student ID card is required for:

  • Using campus printers
  • At final exams
  • In the library
  • For any in-person registration transaction
  • To access the gym and cafeteria services
  • To get discounted bus passes and other student discounts
  • And more...

The person whose name appears on the student card is responsible for all items borrowed and any charges on the card. Present your card each time you borrow library materials. Do not share your card or its information. A student card is non transferable.

Photo ID Centre hours and information.