Nanaimo Campus
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How to Choose Your Courses

You may already know the courses you want to take. If not, consult the Program and Course Calendar, search upcoming Course Timetables, or talk to an Educational Advisor.

Consult the Vancouver Island University Program and Course Calendar

It is important to note that not all courses listed in our Program and Course Calendar are offered every semester. To check whether or not a course is currently being offered or will be offered in the near future, view the Current/Future course listings using Generate a Course Timetable.

Find your course in the Timetable

Use Generate a Course Timetable to find the courses you want in the upcoming semester(s). You can search by campus, program area, semester, subject area, or simply type in the name of the course to see all upcoming sections. This page now has options to also search by course delivery, such as Online or Blended Asynchronous. See Course Delivery Modes for a description of each delivery method.

Talk to an Advisor

Discuss your course selection with an Advisor. Call the campus nearest you for information on arranging an appointment:

Cowichan Campus Advising: 250.746.3509
Nanaimo Campus Advising: 250.740.6410
tiwšɛmawtxʷ Campus (Powell River) Advising: 604.485.2878

Or email to make an appointment or find out about available zoom sessions.

Students in degree programs are also served by our Degree Advisors. See the complete listing of Degree Advisors for the Advisor for your program area.

How to timetable your courses

Once you know which courses you want to take, you need to build your timetable for each semester. An online tutorial on building your course timetable is available to guide you step-by-step through this process. If you have not registered at VIU before, or if you have not used our Web Registration system, this is the best place to start. See also the page in this guide called Web Registration Appointment for more details.