VIU Students at Beach
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Career & Financial Advice

How do you find time to do it all, school work, a job and social life?

Submitted by Annette Lucas on May 29, 2019 - 12:06pm

There is so much going on at college or university that finding time to study, participate in extracurricular activities, work and socialize can seem like an impossible schedule to keep up with.  Four Vancouver Island University students shared their tips for balancing school, work and fun.


How to make the most of your university education

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on April 30, 2019 - 12:50pm

It’s that time of year again. Another group of Vancouver Island University graduates are getting ready to cross the stage and head off into the real world – or into graduate programs.

What’s the secret to success in your university studies and beyond? How do you avoid burnout? Why should you try a different type of class? How do you figure out what’s next? Here’s some advice from recent graduates and alumni.


How do I pay for university?

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on January 23, 2019 - 5:08pm

Tuition and textbooks, rent and parking passes – oh my!

It can feel a little daunting being a post-secondary student when considering the bills. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources and approaches that can help you get through school without breaking the bank. Of course, it can be easy to miss out on opportunities if you don’t know where to look. Check out these tips to help you get the best bang out of your student bucks.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Submitted by Annette Lucas on January 9, 2019 - 2:50pm

We start thinking about what we want to be when we grow up long before we have even taken our first step inside of a school. Perhaps we are influenced by what our parents or Uncle Bob does, or we are genetically predisposed to be better at certain things. However, as we cross the path from child to young adult, the route isn’t always as clear anymore.

5 tips to rock your summer job

Submitted by Web Admin on September 6, 2018 - 4:07pm

School is almost finished and you’re ready to go out and find the perfect summer job. Want to ensure you get the most out of the experience? VIU’s former Lead Student Ambassador, Caitlin Mangiacasale, shares some tips to take your summer job from mediocre to marvellous.

3 Tips to Help You Pay for University

Submitted by Web Admin on June 1, 2018 - 3:45pm

So you want to attend university, but you’re not sure how you’re going to pay for it? The good news is most students don’t realize how much is potentially available to them. Here are several tips from VIU’s Financial Aid & Awards office to ensure a smooth monetary start to your post-secondary journey.