VIU Students at Beach
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Career & Financial Advice

Looking for work? It’s easier than you think with VIU’s online job board 💻

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on March 13, 2022 - 10:06am

In celebration of National Work-Integrated Learning Month, the Centre for Experiential Learning (CEL) wants to bring awareness to the various career and work-integrated learning services VIU has to offer.

Looking for work while going to university can be a stressful and time-consuming task. Seeking a job that is relevant to your program of study can make the search even more complicated. The good news is that VIU has its own online job board that offers thousands of opportunities specifically geared towards students and their programs of study.

Need help paying for post-secondary?

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on June 16, 2021 - 9:07am

Over the past year and a half, federal and provincial governments have introduced COVID-19 relief measures aimed at supporting students – one of the groups hardest hit financially by the pandemic. What does this mean for you? It means there are more funding options available than ever before to help you return to school.

With all of these supports in place, you may be wondering what you need to do to get started. Check out the following funding options and start realizing your goals:

Job Hunting During COVID-19

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on October 17, 2020 - 10:56am

We are all aware that it isn’t business as usual these days and as BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says, “This isn’t forever, it’s just for now.” So, although we don’t know how long we will be adapting through the pandemic, there are jobs that need to be done during this time and although it may be a bit more challenging to find good jobs, be resilient, adaptable and open. As non-essential businesses and services continue to re-open, more and more opportunities will emerge. Here are a few actions to take to help you work toward your employment goals.


Earn your way to new skills

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on August 23, 2020 - 8:33pm

Looking for a convenient way to earn a few dollars while building your experience in a flexible environment made for busy students? VIU student employment may be your answer. Every year VIU offers a range of interesting work opportunities for students, allowing you to gain resumé-building career experiences while helping to pay the bills.

Not sure if a VIU student job is for you? Check out these 7 advantages to student employment then learn more about how to find a job that may be right for you.


Financial resources to help you pay for post-secondary

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on July 24, 2020 - 4:45pm

Our federal and provincial governments have introduced many relief measures for Canadians and British Columbians suffering financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What this has meant for students is that there is more support to help those in need pay for university than ever before for the 2020-21 academic year.

Are you wondering where to get started? From bumps to existing programs, to new measures designed to stimulate the economy and get students back to work and school, here’s a roundup of some funding options: 


Five Reasons to Consider a Career in the Trades

Submitted by Annette Lucas on January 29, 2020 - 10:53am

Are you wondering if a career in the trades is right for you? Working with your hands, tools and big machines can pay off in a big way and starting your career in the trades can sometimes take less than a year of post-secondary training.

Nearly half of all the almost 71,000 job openings predicted for British Columbia over the next decade will be in the trades and technology fields. As technology advances, most of those careers in trades will require training by a certified institution such as Vancouver Island University.


4 things no one told you about life after graduation

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on September 30, 2019 - 5:58pm

You’re going to spend the next few years with your nose buried in textbooks, cramming for exams and befriending your local barista. But what is life like on the other side? Will you just fall into a job? How will you find your dream career? Four VIU grads share their path from university student to working adult.