Master's of Special Education Students at a group meeting
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Master of Education in Special Education Courses

MEDS 510 (5) Foundations of Special Education

An introduction to the framework of special education including: historical and contemporary perspectives, issues related to teaching students with diverse needs, roles and responsibilities, provincial policies and procedures, and individual and environmental models of support. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 520 (5) Development and Exceptionality in Human Learning

An in-depth examination of human development theories with a focus on atypical patterns and their implications for learning, assessment, and teaching practices. An ecological systems approach to holistic development is used. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 530 (5) Critical Issues in Special Education

An examination of the changing perspectives of special education in the evolving context of educational reform. The implications of policies and practices, organizational structures, and systemic issues on special populations are explored. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 540 (5) Teacher as Researcher in Special Education

The introduction of paradigms of educational inquiry, the framing of research questions, and research processes and methods for the purposes of critically interpreting special education research. A 'teacher-researcher' framework for action research initiates the development of a research proposal. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 610 (5) Individual Assessment & Intervention Planning

An overview of the principles of assessment, administration, and interpretation of Level B testing and planning for interventions. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 611 (2) Intervention Planning

Focus is on planning for interventions as indicated by normative and absolute standard measures. Response to intervention (RTI) will be included. MEDS laddering students who have completed the Teacher Professional Post-Degree Diploma in Special Education (SETS) and who took EDTE 619 as part of the diploma requirements will take this course in place of MEDS 610. (2:2:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 620 (5) Translating Special Education Research to Practice

An overview of evidence-based pedagogical and technological perspectives for teaching students with special needs. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.

MEDS 630 (5) Field Inquiry

Students will develop their major projects and portfolios in a workshop setting. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Min. "B" in MEDS 540.

MEDS 640 (5) Major Project

Project activities require a multi-faceted body of evidence presented as an applied project and a complimentary portfolio that together demonstrate the attainment of program outcomes and direct future Special Education practices in a chosen area. (5:4:0 for 8 weeks)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education program.